Thursday, October 25, 2012

In Print!!

My first scientific article was published today.
It  felt good to get that email of the MEPS Table of Contents and see my surname there.
It felt good to imagine so many people opening it and going "Ah, I wonder what this one is about" and hopefully following the link to downloading the full article.
One year it took me to get this baby published; multiple co-authors, a tricky dataset and many trials, but in the end a much improved piece of work that I am happy to call mine.
The article, which is the first comparison of native and invasive lionfish, is the result of teamwork, and an excellent example of the kind of science we can be doing if we help each other. This would have been impossible to achieve without all my co-authors and collaborators. Thank you all!
And to those of you reading this blog, you can find my paper at:
Pterois volitans, the invader of my affections

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